M/s. S.K Samanta & Co. Pvt. Ltd. is an infrastructural based company. This company diversified into “Steel-Sector” and set up an automated TMT Bar Mill at Bilaspur, Chhattisgarh State.

The land area is 31.75 acres and is located in the Industrial Growth Centre, Silpahari, Bilasur.
The capacity of this State-Of-Art technology TMT Bar Mill is 150,000MT per annum ant the sizes are 8mm to 32mm.
Polution free plant as the norms of Pollution Control Board have been strictly followed and are being monitored.
Comforming to IS 1786 : 2008 quality standards with TEMPCORE quenching technology.
BIS License No. CM/L -3263855
S. K. Samanta & Co. Pvt. Ltd. is more than 50 years old and has a pioneer in the infrastructural sector. The core competency of this group has been in setting up Material Handling and Bulk Handling Plant, water Treatment Plant, Cross Country Pipeline, Public building etc.
This group is having registered and head Office at Kolkata. The company is managed by professional engineers having wide experiences in various fields. The company is having its own design engineering wing apart from other disciplines like Project Management, Project Coordination, Procurement, Contracts, Finance, HR & Admin. etc.